Karl Wickersham Proprietor

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A retailer of Charleen Kinser Designs

The Sock Bandit


The Sock Bandit, a.k.a. The Hamper Sleuth.

Description: Short (11.5"), wooly and beige.  Beady button eyes, wired arms and fingers (three). Wearing black sock mask and bright body stocking.

Distinguishing features: large nostrils.  Always carries three odd socks.  Signed and numbered.

Last Sighting: Central High School, Boys' locker room, one foot in the gym bag.

"Tube, ankle, tennis or knee, Striped, ribbed, or lacy - all free"

Master of the single steal, faster than the spin cycle, a mere blur in the locker room, the Sock Bandit prides himself on sleuth.  Last spotted eyeing the laundry basket.



Size 9" Standing
Limited 555 Pieces
Materials Wool, Button Eyes
Introduced 1991
Price $150
Other Fully jointed, Wears 3 socks - carries 2
Catalog Inside Back Cover

The Sock Bandit - a.ka. The Hamper Sleuth


eGnome - A retailer of Charleen Kinser Designs